Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Strategic Asset Allocation Determining the Optimal Portfolio with Ten Asset Classes Essay Example
Key Asset Allocation: Determining the Optimal Portfolio with Ten Asset Classes Essay Key Asset Allocation: Determining the Optimal Portfolio with Ten Asset Classes Niels Bekkers Mars The Netherlands Ronald Q. Doeswijk* Robeco The Netherlands Trevin W. Lam Rabobank The Netherlands October 2009 Abstract This investigation investigates which resource classes enhance a conventional arrangement of stocks, bonds and money. Next, we decide the ideal loads of all advantage classes in the ideal portfolio. This investigation adds to the writing by separating ten distinctive speculation classes all the while in a mean-difference examination just as a market portfolio approach. We likewise show how to join these two techniques. Our outcomes propose that land, items and high return enhance the conventional resource blend. An examination with such an expansive inclusion of benefit classes has not been directed previously, not with regards to deciding capital market desires and playing out a mean-change investigation, neither in evaluating the worldwide market portfolio. JEL grouping: G11, G12 Key words: vital resource designation, capital market desires, mean-difference examination, ideal portfolio, worldwide market portfolio. This investigation has profited by the help and handy remarks gave by Jeroen Beimer, Leon Cornelissen, Lex Hoogduin, Menno Meekel, Leon Muller, Laurens Swinkels and Pim van Vliet. Extraordinary much gratitude goes to Jeroen Blokland and Rolf Hermans for some broad and important conversations. We say thanks to Peter Hobbs for giving the nitty gritty division of the worldwide land advertise that enhanced his exploration paper. Last, however not least, we express gratitude toward Frank de Jong for his helpful remarks and valuable recommendations during this examination. * Corresponding creator, email: r. [emailprotected] com, phone: +31 10 2242855. Electronic duplicate accessible at: http://ssrn. com/abstract=1368689 1 Introduction Most past scholarly examinations concur on the significance of key resource allotment as a determinant for venture returns. In their often refered to paper, Brinson, Hood and Beebower (1986) guarantee that 93. 6% of execution variety can be clarified by vital resource assignment choices. This outcome suggests that vital resource designation is unquestionably more significant than showcase timing and security choice. We will compose a custom paper test on Strategic Asset Allocation: Determining the Optimal Portfolio with Ten Asset Classes explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Strategic Asset Allocation: Determining the Optimal Portfolio with Ten Asset Classes explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Strategic Asset Allocation: Determining the Optimal Portfolio with Ten Asset Classes explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Most resource assignment contemplates center around the ramifications of including a couple of benefit classes to a customary resource blend of stocks, securities and money to close whether and how much an advantage class ought to be incorporated to the vital portfolio, see for instance Erb and Harvey (2006) and Lamm (1998). In any case, on account of discarding resource classes this incomplete examination can prompt problematic portfolios. This is astonishing, as benefits reserves and different organizations have been deliberately moving generous pieces of their speculation portfolio towards non-conventional resources, for example, land, items, flexible investments and private value. The objective of this examination is to investigate which resource classes increase the value of a customary resource blend and to decide the ideal loads of all advantage classes in the ideal portfolio. This examination adds to the writing by separating ten diverse speculation classes all the while in a mean-change investigation just as a market portfolio approach. We likewise exhibit how to join these two strategies. Close to the customary three resource classes stocks, government securities and money we incorporate private value, land, speculative stock investments, products, high return, credits and swelling connected securities. An examination with such an expansive inclusion of advantage classes has not been led previously, not with regards to deciding capital market desires and playing out a mean-change investigation, neither in surveying the worldwide market portfolio. The second step in portfolio the executives, I. e. advertise timing and security determination are strategic choices. These are past the extent of this investigation. So, this investigation recommends that including land, items and high return to the conventional resource blend conveys the most productivity improving an incentive for financial specialists. Next, we show that the extent of non-conventional resource classes showing up in the market portfolio is generally little. In the rest of this investigation we lead an observational and writing examination to set up since quite a while ago run capital market desires for every benefit class, which we along these lines use in a mean-change examination. At that point, we give an evaluation of the worldwide market portfolio. At last, we show how the mean-fluctuation and market portfolio approaches can be joined to decide ideal portfolios. 1 Electronic duplicate accessible at: http://ssrn. om/abstract=1368689 2 Methodology and information Methodology Markowitz (1952, 1956) spearheaded the advancement of a quantitative strategy that considers the broadening advantages of portfolio distribution. Present day portfolio hypothesis is the aftereffect of his work on portfolio advancement. Preferably, in a mean-change advancement model, the total speculation opportunity set, I. e. all advantages, ought to be considered all the while. Notwithstanding, by and by, most financial specialists recognize diverse resource classes inside their portfolio-assignment systems. This two-phase model is commonly applied by institutional financial specialists, bringing about a top-down allotment technique. In the initial segment of our investigation, we see the procedure of benefit allotment as a four-advance exercise like Bodie, Kane and Marcus (2005). It comprises of picking the advantage classes viable, pushing ahead to building up capital market desires, trailed by inferring the productive outskirts until finding the ideal resource blend. In the second piece of our examination, we evaluate the worldwide market portfolio. At last, we show how the mean-difference and market-nonpartisan portfolio approaches can be joined to decide ideal portfolios. We take the viewpoint of an advantage just financial specialist looking for the ideal portfolio. A benefit just speculator doesn't consider. The speculation skyline is one year and the open door set comprises of ten resource classes. The speculator seeks after riches augmentation and no other specific venture objectives are thought of. We take care of the benefit allotment issue utilizing a mean-change improvement dependent on abundance returns. The objective is to amplify the Sharpe proportion (chance balanced return) of the portfolio, limited by the limitation that the introduction to any dangerous resource class is more prominent than or equivalent to zero and that the aggregate of the loads means one. The emphasis is on the relative assignment to dangerous resources in the ideal portfolio, in stead of the allotment to money. The heaviness of money is an element of the investorââ¬â¢s level of hazard avoidance. For the normal hazard premia we utilize geometric comes back with time frames. 25%. The span for the standard deviations is 1% and for connections 0. 1. As we would like to think, progressively exact assessments may have an appearance of precision which we need to forestall. We don't mull over administration expenses, with the exception of private value and speculative stock investments concerning these advantage classes the administration charges are somewhat high comparative with the normal hazard premia of the benefit class. Other resource classes have essentially lower charges contrasted with their hazard premia. They are in this manner of minor significance, particularly in the wake of considering the vulnerability of our evaluations. We gauge chance premiums by 2 taking away geometric comes back from one another. Thusly, our evaluated geometric returns just as the hazard premiums both are round numbers. In the mean-difference investigation, we utilize math abundance returns. Geometric returns are not reasonable in a mean-fluctuation structure. The weighted normal of geometric returns doesn't approach the geometric return of a recreated portfolio with a similar organization. The watched distinction can be clarified by the expansion advantages of the portfolio assignment. We get the number juggling comes back from the geometric returns and the instability. Information We essentially center around US information in the observational investigation. The decision for this market is upheld by two contentions. To start with, the US showcase offers the longest information arrangement for practically all advantage classes. This makes a chronicled examination increasingly significant. For example, the high return security showcase has for some time been exclusively a US capital market wonder. Besides, utilizing US information stays away from the geological confound in worldwide information. A worldwide list for the moderately new resource class of expansion connected securities is one-sided towards the US, French and UK markets, while a worldwide stock record is appropriately spread over various nations. We utilize complete return records in US dollars. Resource classes like land and private value are spoken to in both recorded and non-recorded lists, while speculative stock investments are just secured by non-recorded files. Non-recorded land and private value lists are evaluation based, which may cause a smoothing impact in expected danger of the advantage class. This inclination emerges in light of the fact that the evaluations won't occur much of the time. Be that as it may, introducing returns causes an underestimation of hazard. Likewise, changes in costs won't be promptly reflected in examination esteems until there is adequate proof for a modification. Measurable techniques to moderate these information issues exist, however there is no assurance that these strategies produce precise measu
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Regulations and Policies of Online and Social Media
Guidelines and Policies of Online and Social Media Presentation The sole objective of the media is to contact mass crowds with the transmitted message. Prior the fundamental wellsprings of data would incorporate the conventional media like Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, Television and so forth., Now individuals have begun relying upon the contemporary media for data .Subsequently, the on the web and the web based life are picking up noticeable quality. What are the standards administering the Online and the Social Media? What might be the principles of Online and the Social Media? Does the Media law control the substance to the specified degree? Is morals followed in Online and Social Media? While rehearsing morals in Online and web based life what are the issues confronted , the requirements defied and the open doors that we go over? Considering the Online and the Social media that have become an unavoidable piece of life of any individual today, an exhaustive report will uncover the chances and the dangers. On the web and Social media Definition The Online media and Social media allude to the advanced media where data is made accessible in the types of music, photographs, recordings and so forth., which are appropriated in the web. These media engage socialinteraction among individuals in which they make, offer or trade data, photographs, video and thoughts in virtual networks andnetworks. (Wikipedia) The cell phone and the web have changed to a basic piece of the human calendar or as it were, life itself. The use of cell phones is expanding limitlessly in the urban as well as rustic territories with multitudinous versatile administrators entering the market throughout each and every day. The cutting down of the web charges and the internet providers being caused accessible in the cell phones to have definitely expanded the noticeable quality of the on the web and the online life. Standards The Online and Social Media can transmit the message immediately. This media is likewise an increasingly customized variant of the various media or as it were we have the total position to alter the substance. Certain standards oversee the web based life and these standards choose the achievement of correspondence in the media. The data that is partaken in the web based life should be true. This realness of data be it individual, or of the organization helps in building trust. The length of the post decides the quantity of perspectives. Limit on the length â⬠Be fresh and clear. Online life is being utilized as a promoting apparatus to win likes for the particular items or for the organization. Making a network decides the accomplishment in SMM and it occurs in a more slow pace. Sharing some valuable or fascinating snippet of data that would intrigue the gathering just as sharing and indicating enthusiasm for the data shared by the friends would help in sustaining a bigger gathering. The communication assumes a significant job too in the online networking. As an organization, a reaction is an absolute necessity, be it for a commendation from the client or for an objection. (Jon Reed, 2013, 7 standards of Social Media Marketing) (Five Basic Principles of Social Media, 2014) Measures The Association of Fundraising Professionals ( AFP) has characterized the measures for the Organization chiefs and the staff, offshoots, experts and so forth., to keep certain these set norms. Industry laws and rules are additionally pertinent in web-based social networking. The data ought to be refreshed consistently and individuals ought to be available to reactions/thanks While restricting, keep up an obliging language. Assume liability for all the substance . React to inquiries/remarks . Be answerable for the substance and think before you post. Hold fast to moral standards, genuineness and be open . Know to separate the individual and the expert limits. Be approved and official. Keep away from infringement of guidelines . The Association of Fundraising Professionals ( AFP) has characterized the principles for the Organization heads and the staff, subsidiaries, experts and so forth., not to do certain exercises . Try not to share or reveal material that the association or member association considers is precluding, hassling, unlawful, vulgar, slanderous, offensive, or unfriendly towards any individual or element. Try not to share or reveal telephone numbers or email locations of yourself or some other individual or substance Try not to show material that damages on the privileges of the association or any individual or element, including protection, licensed innovation or distribution rights. This incorporates the unapproved utilization of (yet isn't restricted to) pictures, logos, recordings, content, archives, white papers, and so forth. Try not to distribute material that advances or publicizes a business item or requests business/enrollment or budgetary or other help in any business, gathering or association. Try not to post junk letters, post a similar remark on different occasions as this would be named as spam. Try not to allow some other individual or element to utilize your character for posting in or seeing social medias. Try not to utilize different characters or the personality of others. (AFPââ¬â¢s Social media guidelines,2013) Morals Online life is a type of media where the data proposed comes to immediately just as all around and brings reaction because of the characteristic nature of cooperation. Adjusting morals in online life is a troublesome assignment as access to internet based life is accessible to all and there is no influence over the substance. Like some other media, Accuracy and realness are two primary concerns of moral significance. The data partook in the online life is accessible to a network when shared and when it gets shared more than once there is no influence over the substance. The experts, writers, open figures and so forth., are relied upon to have the nature of Impartiality to be moral. The web based life organizing with ideological groups, associations would make thoughts of ââ¬Å"biasingâ⬠which is deceptive. Abstain from maligning proclamations against people/associations in the web based life. Accordingly ,abstain from remarking on the traditions, culture, convictions of various religions, nations and so forth., Recommending freely in an internet based life is additionally viewed as untrustworthy. (NPR Ethics handbook, 2012) Guidelines The insurance of security of the clients is guaranteed utilizing the administrative laws. The employerââ¬â¢s level of investigating the internet based life updates of the present and future representatives is administered by the administrative law. Advertising of items utilizing online networking, uncovering budgetary reports of organizations and so on., are administered by a direction law. Characterizing of methodology for the employeesââ¬Ë business utilization of web based life, the investigation and the control is likewise secured by a law. Rules that plainly clarify on what circumstances the organization can acquire and utilize it for legitimate examinations are likewise accessible. (Five Common Legal Regulatory Challenges With Social Media, 2013) Moral Practices on Online and Social Media Issues The representatives of an organization when imparting for the benefit of an organization must be moral as far as praising their own organization just as abstain from scrutinizing the opposition in a web based life. The entrance to web based life in business hours for individual reasons is an exploitative practice. Experts like attorneys, makes a decision about engaged with a similar case could be companions and their collaborations in web based life could cause negative references for the case. Person to person communication with the ideological groups or with the significant pioneers of the ideological groups could make adverse comments in the expert profile. (Moral Challenges of Social Media, 2011) Requirements Refreshing business profiles by the experts like the specialists, attorneys are legitimate notices in any event, when they are not proposed to and could cause moral issues in their calling. Sharing of private data both expert and individual must be maintained a strategic distance from to be moral. The security factors while utilizing an online life are to be managed central significance. Dismissing or disregarding such factors could push us to superfluous entanglements. The selecting organizations request web based life individual record subtleties for checking the emlpoyeesââ¬â¢ exercises. The halfway point between the individual and the expert exercises gets ill defined. (10 Tips for Avoiding Ethical Lapses When Using Social Media, 2014) Openings Being available in a large portion of the internet based life with a similar personality additionally helps in building brand picture and trust. Online life doesn't stop with sharing data however it stretches out till the companion bunch reacts either decidedly or adversely. The mystery of achievement lies in the exceptional presents in internet based life on contact the most extreme crowd. Information Sharing : This is an exceptionally noteworthy chance of the Social Media. Individuals in a similar expert line can share data on explicit cases and the examples of overcoming adversity which could be of extraordinary use to the others and in some cases the others in the cimmunity could come out with various thoughts. Life Sharing : Social media is an integral asset to share photographs, recordings utilizing Youtube, Flickr and so forth., to get the genuine feel of occasions. Long range informal communication : This systems administration helps in sharing the status, photographs , video and so on., with the companions, family members living in better places. One post refreshes the entire arrangement of companions/family members in the gathering. Business Networking : Business organizing utilizing online networking like Linkedin helps in acquiring data on openings for work and outsourcing from the network. Network Building : Social systems administration networks like Collaborate, Collect and so forth., is a typical stage for informing, report sharing and so forth., with a portable applications utilized in an I-telephone. (Web-based social networking Constraints and Opportunities Project,2011) End The on the web and the web-based social networking additionally must be treated as significant as the customary media and one needs to un
Research Four Articles or Develop Tactics for your Public Relations Essay
Research Four Articles or Develop Tactics for your Public Relations - Essay Example s article further keeps on indicating the circumstance in the establishments of higher learning whereby numerous accounts were composed and taken to understand media houses in this manner making a decent connection with them, however with the innovation a great many people want to pass on their accounts straightforwardly to the crowd. This article represents the fate of open connection employments contends that the character, enchanting nature, and the reconciliation of ones ability, uniqueness, being persuasive just as continuance to different components assume a major job for the accomplishment of advertising ( Kera,2012).All these characteristics should be mixed for the achievement of open connection. The best test is the mixing of these temperances which is prompting the reducing of open connection employments, it goes past one creative mind and one must be extremely inventive so as to prevail in this field. Exposure for the most part in this industry assumes a crucial job for ones achievement. For instance, Oprah Winfrey one of the most looked for after open connection figures set out various exercises that numerous individuals followed prompting their accomplishment in their vocations. A portion of the exercises incorporated the issue of being straightforward just as the part of coming clean about oneself. A nother perspective is the issue of being completely learned towards the issues you are tending to other than being creative. Creativity beat this rundown since it is one component that individuals grasp making it conceivable to examine the circumstances set up. As indicated by this article, the fate of advertising occupations is progressing in accordance with the mechanical headways. Moreover, the rise of online websites as this article delineates permits a portion of the advertising offices and firms to extricate data in regards to the popular sentiment on certain issues which they may have not accessed or had no earlier data about (Georgy, 2011). The improvement of programming for instance Bacons media map, permits the open connection experts and
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Critical Approach To Barn Burning (by William Essay Example For Students
A Critical Approach To Barn Burning (by William Essay A Critical Approach To Barn Burning (by William Faulkner)Barn Burning is a tragic story since it plainly shows theclassical battle between the advantaged and the oppressed classes. On numerous occasions feelings of gloom surface from both the hero and theantagonist engaged with the story. This story traces two unmistakable heroes and two distinctantagonists. The initial two are Colonel Sartoris Snopes (Sarty) and his fatherAbner Snopes (Ab). Sarty is the hero encircled by his fatherantagonism while Ab is the hero offended by the social structure andthe battle that is forced on him and his family. The monetary status of the fundamental characters is poor, without trust ofimproving their condition, and helpless before a semi medieval framework in NorthAmerica during the late 1800s. Being a tenant farmer, Ab and his family had toshare half or 66% of the collect with the landowner and out of theirshare pay for the necessities of life. Because of this status, Ab and hisfamily know from the beginning what the future will hold difficult work for theirlandlord and unimportant endurance for them. No desire for headway wins all through the story. Sarty, hisbrother and the twin sisters have no entrance to training, as they should spendtheir time working in the fields or at home performing familial obligations. Nourishment is deficient with regards to He could smell the espresso from the room where they wouldpresently eat the cool food staying from the mid-evening supper (PARA. 55). As an outcome, unforeseen weakness joined with insufficient open door results inlow confidence. An assurance which the essayist is relating to the white collar class ofhis times that equivalent quality which in later years would cause his relatives toover-run the motor before kicking off an engine vehicle (PARA. 20)The Snope family figures out how to endure and look for some kind of employment. In any case, the workoffers minimal other than a possibility for endurance I figure Ill have a word withthe man that expects to start tomorrow possessing me body and soul for the following eightmonths (PARA 40). Like migrants they had to move continually. Due toseasons and harvest turn, so as to make sure about work they needed to hold land withdifferent landowners. Abs passionate insecurity is a prevalent factor adding to hiserratic conduct all through the story. The family has moved multiple times fromfarm to cultivate, and on occasion compelled to relinquish their concurrence with the landlorddue to Abs unsuitable conduct. A conduct which all through the story istransformed into a disobedience, by Ab spreading the landowners cover with horsemanure and afterward suing him for charging him a lot for the harm. These actssymbolize disappointment with the framework and an extreme way to deal with oppose it. Realizing that discipline couldn't be kept away from when submitting such acts, Absactions take on a progressively sensational importance as though he is attempting to pass on a message. He knows about the financial treachery and he should react even at the hazard ofhim and his family being arraigned or segregated. Abs consistent defiance is shown by an unpleasant, sharp character andexemplified when he torches his proprietors outbuilding. He feels despair and loss,and perpetrates harm to whomever he happens to be working for. In spite of the fact that the story fixates on the emotions and musings of Abs youngestson Sarty, the financial ramifications of his whole family assume an essential job injustifying (not supporting) his dads conduct, which is the urgent reasonfor Sartys dubious sentiments on which the entire story is based. .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9 , .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9 .postImageUrl , .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9 , .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9:hover , .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9:visited , .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9:active { border:0!important; } .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9:active , .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9:hover { obscurity: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative; } .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enrichment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uddc 6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uddc6a6ddf66ba0372aa1ef3ac663d8e9:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Family Values: Importance EssaySartys primary situation is his steadfastness to his family which impacts withhis frustration and smothered aversion of his own dad. He tends to hidehis sentiments by denying the realities, our Enemy he however in that despair; ourn!mine and hisn both! Hes my Father! (PARA. 1) and The kid said nothing. Enemy!Enemy! he thought; for a second he was unable to try and see, couldn't see that theJustices face was merciful. (PARA. 10). The storys passionate turns are plainly characterized by Sartys musings andAbs activities. Sartys quandary and Abs dissatisfactions ceaselessly get the reader,serving up a progression of sincerely loaded difficulties: Given the conditions ofthe story, is Abs animal dwellingplace consuming supported? Ought to Sarty tell the landowner thatAb was liable for torching the horse shelter? Is the obsolete sociological Blaming the Victim hypothesis substantial? Is the lose-win course of action betweensharecropper and landowner an ethically worthy one?Burning an animal dwellingplace or any demonstration
UGA Decision Dates for 2020 - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
UGA Decision Dates for 2020 - UGA Undergraduate Admissions UGA Decision Dates for 2020 The final two decision dates for UGA freshman applicants are now set (unless some major issue impacts our office), and the smaller February wave of decisions will be released on Friday, February 14, while the final decisions in March will be released on Friday, March 13. In addition, transfer decisions will begin being released on Friday, March 6. Decisions are all released in the late afternoon, but I do not have an exact time (so dont ask me for one). February Decisions UGA will offer admission to roughly 1,700 freshman applicants on Friday, February 14. This group of decisions is made up of only offers of admission, and if you were admitted, you will be able to see the decision on your Admission Status page (so only admitted students will see a decision change on their status page) and these admits will receive an email communication. Additionally, an admissions packet will be sent out in the mail the following week. Our office is too busy reviewing files for me to run any mid-range academic averages at this time, but the academic information should be very similar to the Early Action admitted students (it will not be exactly the same, as we had a large number of EA admits who were applying for our top scholarships, which slightly skews EA stats a little higher). My earlier blog post about Early Action decisions gives you more insight into the academic strength of this range of student. As we did in the November Early Action off ers of admission, there will be some scholarship offers in this group, and those who have received them will see it on the status page. We will continue to offer scholarships through mid April, so please be patient as we do these reviews. These admitted freshman, made up of mostly Regular Decision applicants, met the strong academic criteria of Early Action admission that we used with our much larger wave of November admission offers. Just like in the November EA admits, we also admitted some students who were very strong academically and were strong in all areas (including co-curricular) as determined in our holistic read process. Do not panic if you are not admitted with the February group. We are still very much in the midst of carefully reviewing documents and data on a great many more files, and there are still lots of decisions to make. March Final Decisions On Friday, March 13, all final freshman decisions will be released. There will be three decision groups (Admit, Deny and Wait-List), and I will try to post some information on all three of these decisions during the week leading up to the final decision release. We will also have a small group of freshman that we will admit for the Spring 2021 term. We are still deep in the holistic read process, and I do not have any numbers on how many final admits we will make, what the statistics will look like overall, or how many students will be put on the wait-list. When we do release final decisions, I will have statistics on the overall applicant pool and admitted group the following week, but not broken out into the different release dates. After we make final decisions, we will continue to offer scholarships through late March, so please be patient as we do these reviews as well. Thank you for your patience during this review process. Transfer Applicants We have begun reviewing the Summer and Fall transfer applicants, and we will release the first group of transfer decisions on Friday, March 6. We will then continue to release transfer decisions every Friday. All applicants with a decision will receive an email alerting them to a change in their status, so you do not need to constantly check your admission status page. We generally review transfer applicants by term first (so summer decisions before fall if possible), and then roughly by the date the file becomes complete. This is not exact, as some transfer files are more complicated than others to review. As such, please do not compare application date to release dates with others, as it might vary due to other factors (included days when several hundred applications were received/completed). Go Dawgs!
UGA Decision Dates for 2020 - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
UGA Decision Dates for 2020 - UGA Undergraduate Admissions UGA Decision Dates for 2020 The final two decision dates for UGA freshman applicants are now set (unless some major issue impacts our office), and the smaller February wave of decisions will be released on Friday, February 14, while the final decisions in March will be released on Friday, March 13. In addition, transfer decisions will begin being released on Friday, March 6. Decisions are all released in the late afternoon, but I do not have an exact time (so dont ask me for one). February Decisions UGA will offer admission to roughly 1,700 freshman applicants on Friday, February 14. This group of decisions is made up of only offers of admission, and if you were admitted, you will be able to see the decision on your Admission Status page (so only admitted students will see a decision change on their status page) and these admits will receive an email communication. Additionally, an admissions packet will be sent out in the mail the following week. Our office is too busy reviewing files for me to run any mid-range academic averages at this time, but the academic information should be very similar to the Early Action admitted students (it will not be exactly the same, as we had a large number of EA admits who were applying for our top scholarships, which slightly skews EA stats a little higher). My earlier blog post about Early Action decisions gives you more insight into the academic strength of this range of student. As we did in the November Early Action off ers of admission, there will be some scholarship offers in this group, and those who have received them will see it on the status page. We will continue to offer scholarships through mid April, so please be patient as we do these reviews. These admitted freshman, made up of mostly Regular Decision applicants, met the strong academic criteria of Early Action admission that we used with our much larger wave of November admission offers. Just like in the November EA admits, we also admitted some students who were very strong academically and were strong in all areas (including co-curricular) as determined in our holistic read process. Do not panic if you are not admitted with the February group. We are still very much in the midst of carefully reviewing documents and data on a great many more files, and there are still lots of decisions to make. March Final Decisions On Friday, March 13, all final freshman decisions will be released. There will be three decision groups (Admit, Deny and Wait-List), and I will try to post some information on all three of these decisions during the week leading up to the final decision release. We will also have a small group of freshman that we will admit for the Spring 2021 term. We are still deep in the holistic read process, and I do not have any numbers on how many final admits we will make, what the statistics will look like overall, or how many students will be put on the wait-list. When we do release final decisions, I will have statistics on the overall applicant pool and admitted group the following week, but not broken out into the different release dates. After we make final decisions, we will continue to offer scholarships through late March, so please be patient as we do these reviews as well. Thank you for your patience during this review process. Transfer Applicants We have begun reviewing the Summer and Fall transfer applicants, and we will release the first group of transfer decisions on Friday, March 6. We will then continue to release transfer decisions every Friday. All applicants with a decision will receive an email alerting them to a change in their status, so you do not need to constantly check your admission status page. We generally review transfer applicants by term first (so summer decisions before fall if possible), and then roughly by the date the file becomes complete. This is not exact, as some transfer files are more complicated than others to review. As such, please do not compare application date to release dates with others, as it might vary due to other factors (included days when several hundred applications were received/completed). Go Dawgs!
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Schizophrenia A Research Review and Discussion - Free Essay Example
Abstract Schizophrenia spectrum disorders are types of psychological dysfunction associated with both common and diverse symptoms as well as treatment protocols across the spectrum. These disorders include but are not confined to schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder and schizophreniform disorder. Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a chronic, devastating, and lifelong disorder that is precipitated by genetic and environment risk factors. It is selected for the present analysis because it shares some symptoms, treatments, and genetic risk alleles with other disorders across the spectrum. In addition, it also manifests some symptoms, treatment protocols, and management challenges that are uniquely associated with other disorders (Schultze-Lutter, 2009). Therefore, the history, genetic factors, environmental influences, and available treatment options merit focused examination. History Schizophrenia was first identified as a disorder distinct from other psychotic disorders in 1887 by German psychiatrist, Emil Kraepelin who is credited as the founder of the field of psychiatric genetics based on his advancement of the notion that psychosis has a genetic/biological origin (Burton, 2012; Suris, Holliday North, 2016). The formally recognized history of SCZ began largely at the turn of the twentieth century with the labeling of the disorder by Swiss psychiatrist, then student of eugenics, Paul Eugen Bleuler in 1910. The notion of a disorder that reflected a split (schizo) mind (phren) was based on what Bleuler saw as the separation of thinking and feeling exhibited by patients with the illness. Schizophrenia should not be confused with the condition of a split or multiple personality that, unlike SCZ often manifests swift changes in the characteristics of personality that are not normally associated with the schizophrenic patient. This is just one example of how the te rm schizophrenia has been inaccurately portrayed and accepted in society (Burton, 2012). The history of SCZ, in fact, is replete with misunderstandings and/or the misuse/misapplication of the term to cover a myriad of personality irregularities marked by unusual behavior, which is typically negative and often rapidly changing in temperament and disposition. Unfortunately, erroneous misuse of the term schizophrenia also worked to set a precedent for the stigmatization of SCZ, and the marginalization of individuals suffering with the disorder. The risk of stigma and marginalization for mental illness goes as far back as antiquity, when even without labels, mental illness was associated with Godââ¬â¢s punishment or possession by demons (Burton, 2012). Contributing to the misunderstanding/representation, standard diagnostic regarding the definition of SCZ did not exist in the United States nor did it globally until the development and publication of the DSM-III in 1980 (Suris, Holliday North, 2016). Fortunately, the prospects for individuals currently suffering with SCZ are increasingly positive due to the advancement of technology as a diagnostic tool, enhanced social and psychological interventions, and more effective pharmaceutical treatments (Burton, 2012). Epigenetic Causes The epigenetics of SCZ work to explain the role that environmental factors play in changing the biologic expression of this chronic and debilitating disorder. Current studies have contributed to the identification of more than a thousand genes that are related to SCZ, and as many as 4116 genes identified as SCZ markers showing diverse patterns of expression. One of the most common and important epigenetic mechanisms that contributes to the symptomatic expression of SCZ is neurophysiological methylation, which has also been indicated in a variety of other progressive diseases (Sheng-An, Kuo-Chuan, 2016). However, the diversity of genetic combinations allows for polymorphism of various genetic traits. Research has indicated the high-risk individuals carrying alleles on genes associated with this condition are vulnerable to symptomatic expression due to increased production on methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) which decreases the amount of available catechol-O-methyltransfera se (COMT) to facilitate degradation of dopamine. As such, elevated levels of dopamine continue occupying targeted receptors which increases focused attention altering perceptual abilities of the individual. In addition, those expressing this type of genetic mutation often have elevated levels of homocysteine in their plasma which potentiates greater risk of experiencing symptomatic expression of SCZ (Numata, Kinoshita, Tajima, Nishi, Imoto, Ohmori, 2015). As mentioned, multiple changes in expression of a single gene and/or a network of genes has been indicated as risk-factors in the vulnerability of an individual to experience symptoms of SCZ. However, the most highly contributions factors in symptomatic expression of SCZ involve frequency and duration of environmental exposures which dictate methylation of neurological connectivity which strengthens and/or weakens physiologic structure in the brain. Among these environmental factors, maternal stress during prenatal development have been indicated with potentiation of symptomatic development as well as paternal age and use of psychoactive substances during gestational period. Although genetic variants may predispose an individual to the possibility of developing symptomatic expression of SCZ along all diagnosable disorders along the spectrum, frequency and duration of adverse environmental exposures throughout the course of development have been indicated as the largest influence in t he level of genetic expression (Shorter Miller, 2015). Symptoms and Treatments Most often, symptoms of SCZ manifest in particularly obvious and abnormal behaviors that impact the thoughts and perceptual abilities of those who begin expressing symptoms of the disorder. The symptoms of SCZ are regularly categorized as positive of negative symptoms, in which positive indicates the addition of abnormal thoughts, feelings, and/or behaviors such as delusions and/or hallucinations. Conversely, expression of negative symptoms entails the removal of coherent thought, emotion, perception, and normal behavioral activity, which may also be classified as catatonic behavior. Included in the diagnostic criterion for SCZ are disorganized thought processing, motor function impairment, and perceptual disruptions that may manifest as visual, audible, and/or other sensational hallucinations. In such, these symptoms are often found to be caused by neurological dysregulation as a function of methanation and notated in study by the amount of white matter in particular areas of the br ain. (Millan, Fone, Steckler, Horan, 2014). As previously mentioned, a review of historical patterns in research demonstrates that the diagnostic criteria, treatment, and research of various psychologic disorders such as SCZ have been misrepresentative throughout history. Though portions of current focus are on identifiable positive or negative symptoms, it should be noted that unlike most symptoms of SCZ, which may be highly-observable to others, those who endure psychosis are often unconsciously aware of the occurrence. However, at times symptoms indicating such a disturbance may be so subtle that others may remain ignorant to the descriptive markers/behaviors as subclinical symptoms are generally more private and unobserved by anyone by the individual suffering with the disorder. These basic symptoms are numerous and diverse, and they speak to the troubling aspect of self-observation among those with SCZ. Like the individuals who are diagnosed along the spectrum of Attentional Deficit Disorder (ADD), a primary example of s ymptomatic onset is intrusive thoughts which have no relevancy to the current focus and prevent acquisition of new knowledge because it interferes with informational processing and consolidation. Another example of the subclinical symptom is a disruption of organized speech, which is also affiliated with patterned amounts of neuronal connectivity in the temporal lobe as indicted with use of modern pictorial imaging. However, most instances of concern follow the symptomatic manifestation of an individualââ¬â¢s loss of function to produce coherent sentences when speaking, which indicates that neurological damage has already occurred undenounced to the patient (Schultze-Lutter, 2009). This is not to say that patients have no chance at recovering from the disorder/disease which developed due to vulnerability and environmental exposure. Instead, intervention at the earliest level can be paramount to the successfulness to acquire the skills necessary to identify symptoms and learn to o verpower the temptation of all that encompasses elevated levels of dopaminergic activity. Although treatment options for SCZ may include non-pharmacological therapies such as individual and group therapy and/or cognitive behavioral therapy, pharmacological treatment plans are imperative during time of psychosis. In the absence of effective rehabilitation programs progressive treatments are difficult to successfully implement. The first line of treatment for SCZ is the second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) with the exception of the FDA approved clozapine, which is not used as a first choice because of some of the adverse effects that it can cause. The use of first-generation antipsychotics usually follows when the use of one or more SGAs is ineffective followed by the use of clozapine alone, clozapine with SGA, FGA or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), FGA or SGA that has not been tried or a combination of each, respectively. At the same time, the research suggests that the pharmaceutical treatment of SCZ is bereft with challenges, not the least of which is the lack of adh erence by schizophrenic patients to prescribed treatment modalities. Long-acting injectable antipsychotic medications are a common solution for schizophrenic patients who cannot be encouraged to comply with treatments that use oral medications (Patel, Cherian, Gohil Atkinson, 2014). It should be emphasized that the outcomes of antipsychotic medications are often problematic, an issue that is addressed by Taipale, H., et al, illustrated in a study examining the association between application of medicinal antipsychotic treatment is highly associated with increased mortality among schizophrenic patients than others as their neurological pathways are differ in construction to others (2018). Evaluation Concerning the issue of potential treatment complications, researchers question the efficacy of pharmacologic treatment in potentially increasing or decreasing the mortality rate of those with SCZ. Given the nature of study, use of experimental studies would present ethical dilemmas in which the researchers would have to evaluate the morality of the project. In analyzing data drawn from a nationwide registry, the study of causation verses mortality rate among schizophrenic patients ages 16-64 years would require serious consideration when compared to the efficacy of long-acting antipsychotic injectables (LAI). In consideration of this, LAIââ¬â¢s have presented less than a 30% of death in comparison to orally administered medications. In addition, second generation LAIs and oral aripiprazole were found to have the lowest association with premature mortality rates. At this time it is not clear from the study whether it is the actual medication that is delivered to SCZ patients that increases or decreases mortality in this patient population or if it is the mode of administration. However, much research has indicated that the efficacy of a pharmacological engineered substance and method of delivery coincide with polymorphic genetic inheritance as expressed through environmental exposure which may vary by individual case. For example, most studies examining the issue of treating patients with SCZ eluded to the finding that compliance with treatment protocols is often difficult due to the patients understanding of emplaced treatment plan in addition to prior experiences (Taipale, et al, 2017).As elevated levels of dopaminergic activity is highly associated with the reward system which promotes all the feels good, SCZ patients who experience this level of satiation are likely to neglect and/or refuse implemented treatment plans as it would reduce the pleasurableness of this experience. Some of the most compelling research on the combined impact of neurobiological expression and environmental factors in symptomatic expression of SCZ are studies which indicate the etiological role of relational to brain volume. With use of modern technology, studies indicate a reduction in white matter configuration as opposed to the volume of grey matter retained in proportional to developmental attributes. Unequivocally, the findings of these neurological structures can often indicate the extent of the neurological disordering which presents symptomatic features of the disorder. Illustrating this, twin studies have shown that volume of white matter in the hippocampal structure of the brain associated with perceptual memory and neuronal regeneration, and those with SCZ show a reduction of white matter/myelination in comparison to healthy subjects in the studied area (Piccioni, et al, 2017). Environmental factors associated with a reduction in white matter may include a disruption in communication between hemispheric structures. In this case, the researchers have asserted correlation exists between a deficit in white matter in patients with SCZ that are monozygotic twins. However, developmental evaluations of symptomatic expression are found to be independent on environmental conditions of raise. As with other forms of expressive disorders, vulnerability is subject to genetic precursors and environmental experience. As such, this would suggest that the frequency and exposure to environmental conditions would impact the neurological activity which dictates physiological construction of necessary connections throughout areas of the brain which dictates myelination as a function of survival. In doing so, the central nervous system learns to adapt to its surrounding environment and passes this information onto the offspring of trailing generations (Piccioni, et al.,2017) Unf ortunately, this type of inter-species pruning reduces the number of potential progressors as historical greats are the proprietor of this genetic connection to predisposition, and perceived societal norms to ensure for genetic expression of the sins of generations past. Synthesis and Conclusion Much like in modern society, those with SCZ have been erroneously stigmatize throughout history. However, modern technology has elucidated the significance of environmental conditions in facilitating the expression of innate genetic coding which ultimately decides the level/degree of experienced symptoms. Much like all beings are susceptible to contracting an illness (such as the Flu), they level of symptoms expressed and gravity of impact it has over oneââ¬â¢s life is a function of tolerable immunity which is instilled from conception. As presented, there is an overwhelming amount of research evidence that provides for the manner in which neurological disorders such as SCZ develop. Knowing how impactful environment which we create are, it is in the best interest of future generations that current generations step back and reevaluated the ramifications of our actions. References Burton, N. (2017). A brief history of schizophrenia: Schizophrenia through the ages. Psychology Today. Retrieved from Millan, M. J., Fone, K., Steckler, T., Horan, W. P. (2014). Negative symptoms of schizophrenia: Clinical characteristics, pathophysiological substrates, experimental models and prospects for improved treatment. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 24, 645-692. Numata, S., Kinoshita, M., Tajima, A., Nishi, A., Imoto, I., Ohmori, T. (2015). Evaluation of an association between plasma total homocysteine and schizophrenia by a Mendelian randomization analysis. BMC Medical Genetics, 16(54), 1-7. Patel, K. R., Cherian, J., Gohil, K, Atkinson, D. (2014). Schizophrenia: Overview and treatment options. PT: A Peer-Reviewed Journal for Managed Care Formulary Management, 39(9), 638ââ¬â645. Picchioni, M. M., Rijsdijk, F., Toulopoulou, T., Chaddock, C., Cole, J. H., Ettinger, U., â⬠¦ McGuire, P. (2017). Familial and environmental influences on brain volumes in twins with schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatry Neuroscience: JPN, 42(2), 122ââ¬â130. Sheng-An, L., Kuo-Chuan, H. (2016). Epigenetic profiling of human brain differential DNA methylation networks in schizophrenia. BMC Medical Genomics, 9, 217ââ¬â228. Shorter, K. R., Miller, B. H. (2015). Epigenetic mechanisms in schizophrenia. Progress in Biophysics Molecular Biology, 118(1/2), 1ââ¬â7. Schultze-Lutter, F. (2009). Subjective symptoms of schizophrenia in research the clinic: The basic symptom concept. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35(1), 5-8. Suris, A., Holliday, R., North, C. S. (2016). The evolution of the classification of psychiatric disorders. Behavioral Sciences, 6(5), 1-10. Taipale, H., Mittendorfer-Rutz, E., Alexanderson, K., Majak, M., Mehtà ¤là ¤, J., Hoti, F.,Jedenius, E., Enkusson, D., Level, A., Sermon, J. Tanskanen, A. Tiihonen, J. (2018). Antipsychotics and mortality in a nationwide cohort of 29,823 patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 197, 274ââ¬â280. Annotated Bibliography Burton, N. (2017). A brief history of schizophrenia: Schizophrenia through the ages. Psychology Today. Retrieved from In this article, the author offers a brief description of the history of SCZ. This is an informative article that provides a loose but compelling chronological examination of SCZ, how it has been addressed as well as perceived. Some of the most salient points of the article are those that inform on how SCZ was interpreted as madness in ancient civilizations. In some cases, perceived as a physical ailment addressed by diet and blood-letting and by others as a spiritual ailment to be addressed by religion. Overall, the article suggests that those who suffer with SCZ have a great opportunity for a normal life than ever. Millan, M. J., Fone, K., Steckler, T., Horan, W. P. (2014). Negative symptoms of schizophrenia: Clinical characteristics, pathophysiological substrates, experimental models and prospects for improved treatment. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 24, 645-692. This article offered an expansive review of the literature on the negative symptoms of SCZ; however, it did not describe a study. Instead, the primary goal of this article is to enlighten readers on the debilitating characteristics of the negative symptoms associated with SCZ. Although the authors offered details on both the positive and negative symptoms of SCZ, it goes much further to include the state of the research at this time as well as the prospects for the improvement of studies of SCZââ¬â¢s negative symptoms. An especially compelling section of the article discusses that anomalies of cerebral structures that are associated with negative symptoms (NS). This section has special application to two studies on brain structure that are addressed in the present analysis. [bookmark: _Hlk533281778]Numata, S., Kinoshita, M., Tajima, A., Nishi, A., Imoto, I., Ohmori, T. (2015). Evaluation of an association between plasma total homocysteine and schizophrenia by a Mendelian randomization analysis. BMC Medical Genetics, 16(54), 1-7. This article addresses the question of whether an association exists between the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (total plasma homocysteine) and SCZ. The authors conducted a meta-analysis of case-control studies comprising 11,042 schizophrenia suffers and 14,557 control subjects. The researchers combined the risk estimate for the association between the SNP and SCZ with the estimate from a meta-analysis of a genome-wide association studies. The results included a significant effect of the SNP on SCZ risk. The authors concluded that the results offer greater insight regarding the pathology and treatment of SCZ. Patel, K. R., Cherian, J., Gohil, K, Atkinson, D. (2014). Schizophrenia: Overview and treatment options. PT: A Peer-Reviewed Journal for Managed Care Formulary Management, 39(9), 638ââ¬â645. Although it does not describe a study, this article is one of the most informative of all the sources used. The authors provide a succinct but thorough overview of SCZ that goes beyond just the treatment options that are currently in use. Rather, the article addresses key information like the pathophysiology, etiology, epidemiology and clinical presentation of SCZ. More than half of the article however is devoted to treatment options as well to the adverse effects of treatment medications on the endocrine, cardiovascular and central nervous systems. The authors offer a brief assessment of progress in the development of treatment protocols. Most disconcerting, however, is the fact that the life expectancy of SCZ patients remains as much as 10-25 years less than the average healthy individual. Picchioni, M. M., Rijsdijk, F., Toulopoulou, T., Chaddock, C., Cole, J. H., Ettinger, U., â⬠¦ McGuire, P. (2017). Familial and environmental influences on brain volumes in twins with schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatry Neuroscience: JPN, 42(2), 122ââ¬â130. This article describes a study designed to identify the familial and environmental influences on brain volumes in twins with SCZ. The study involved the clinical assessment of and administration of an MRI to 168 twins making up a healthy control group and a patient or SCZ-affected group. The data from the assessment and MRIs were analyzed on between-group measures and genetic trait variance. The results showed that the SCZ patient twins had greater deficits in whole brain grey and white matter volume as well as in hippocampal volume. The authorsââ¬â¢ conclusion presented major implications for future research investigation the as to the specific etiological imprinting of neurophysiologic structures in patients with SCZ . Sheng-An, L., Kuo-Chuan, H. (2016). Epigenetic profiling of human brain differential DNA methylation networks in schizophrenia. BMC Medical Genomics, 9, 217ââ¬â228. This article described a study that investigated the role of DNA methylation in the causation of SCZ. The researchers capitalized on the increasing availability of post-mortem brain samples for research on SCZ-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by analyzing the DNA methylation profiles of prefrontal cortex from healthy controls and schizophrenic patients. Their study involved the construction of a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network using genetic variants to examine the controlling interactions and possible pathways of genes. The results of the study indicated that SDMGs and SCZCGs may influence levels of gene expression potentiating symptomatic development of SCZ. The authors suggest that the typical hypomethylation of SDMG promoters presents important implications for therapeutic options that work to increase methylation of these and other weakly methylated promoters. Shorter, K. R., Miller, B. H. (2015). Epigenetic mechanisms in schizophrenia. Progress in Biophysics Molecular Biology, 118(1/2), 1ââ¬â7. This article is an informative source rather than a study and addresses covers various aspects of the epigenetics of SCZ. The article introduces the subject with a brief but important review of the literature on SCZ including its symptoms and the impact that they have on cognitive functioning and memory. The authors place special focus on the role of dopamine (DA) in SCZ, especially in the hyperactivity of the DA signaling system that promotes delusions and hallucinations. The discussions on DNA methylation in particular supports a much better understanding of how the epigenetic factors that impact single genes as well as gene networks. This is especially true of SCZ-risk genes, which in turn can contribute to the development of the disorder. Schultze-Lutter, F. (2009). Subjective symptoms of schizophrenia in research the clinic: The basic symptom concept. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35(1), 5-8. This was an informative article that provided information of the symptoms of schizophrenia. The author predicates the article on the increased interest in the subtle psychopathology that seemingly exceeds the larger and more overt positive and negative symptoms of SCZ. The author offers a systematic examination of the basic symptoms of schizophrenia that are defined as a subjective subclinical disturbance in such things as motivation, motor action, thinking and speech. These symptoms are diverse from the positive and negative symptoms of delusion and hallucinations and lack of motivation, desire or interest beautiful that are not easily observed by others. The author offers a list of these interesting introverted or introspective symptoms. Suris, A., Holliday, R., North, C. S. (2016). The evolution of the classification of psychiatric disorders. Behavioral Sciences, 6(5), 1-10. In this article, which is not an experimental study but rather an informative article, the authors describe their tracing of the history of classification and diagnostic systems for mental disorders. The description includes a brief discussion of the early history of classification systems and a more comprehensive investigation of the American System of Diagnostic Criteria. The authors do not provide a results or summary of their findings however their brief conclusions include the argument that the the validity of diagnostic criteria has been challenged insufficient differentiation between disorders. This contention presents serious implications for improved differentiation necessary to mitigate high rates of diagnostic comorbidity, non-specific treatment selection and failure to distinguish psychiatric disorders. Taipale, H., Mittendorfer-Rutz, E., Alexanderson, K., Majak, M., Mehtà ¤là ¤, J., Hoti, F., Jedenius, E., Enkusson, D., Level, A., Sermon, J., Tanskanen, A., Tiihonen, J. (2018). Antipsychotics and mortality in a nationwide cohort of 29,823 patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 197, 274ââ¬â280. This article describes a study designed to determine if antipsychotic treatment protocols are associated with increased or decreased mortality. This was accomplished through the analysis of patient data for all-cause mortality rates drawn from a nationwide registry. The researchers found that the use of oral medication was associated with a higher rate of mortality than injectable medication. It also identified second generation long-acting injectables as associated with the lowest mortality rates.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The World And Its Global Needs - 1343 Words
Research out of Europe tells us that more specifically the UK is leading the charge into trying to succeed into future food security needs for the world, where the use for livestock cloning is the epicenter. In addition, Petetin (2012) tells us when creating partial regulations and labelling, this in turn limits the control on cloned livestock, their offspring, and the consumable animal products produced by the animal. The UK is in favor of increasing the progress of the technology. Nonetheless, their government lessens the information available to the customers and the ability for them to decide on what to choose. This new method goes against an increasing new thought to change to the consumersââ¬â¢ choices when regulating cloning (Petetin,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Historically, domestication and the use of genetic livestock breeding practices have been largely responsible for the improvements in yield of livestock products that have been seen over recent decades (Leakey et al. 2009; Thorton 2010). ââ¬Å"If past changes in demand for livestock products have been met by a combination of conventional techniques, such as breed substitution, cross-breeding and within-breed selection, future changes are likely to be met increasingly from new techniquesâ⬠(Thorton 2010). The extensive use of cross-breeding in global production exposes the traits that best complement each other from different strains or breeds by using heterocyst which is also known as hybrid vigor (Simm 1998; Thorton 2010). The choice within breeds of farm livestock produces genetic changes usually in the range 1ââ¬â 3% per year, in relative to the mean of the single or multiple qualities that are of awareness (Thorton 2010). Rates of hereditary change have increased in recent decades in most species in technologically advanced countries for several reasons, including more efficient statistical methods for estimating the genetic merit of animals, the wider use of knowledge such as artificial insemination and more focused selection on objective traits such as milk yield (Simm et al. 2004: Thorton 2010). ââ¬Å"Less than 10 percent of the nationââ¬â¢s beef cows are bred
Monday, May 18, 2020
The American Revolution The United States - 1561 Words
The American Revolution The United States officially was born on the 4th July 1776. When thirteen American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain. Independence did not come easily, it took many year of hard and bloody fighting to be won. What happened to drive these colonies to the bloody war against the worldââ¬â¢s most powerful nation back then. I will be taking you back in time to the year 1763 twelve years before the revolutionary war began. In the year 1763, a peace treaty was signed ending a long series of costly conflicts between Britain and France called the French and Indian Wars. France lost and was forced to handed over majority of its American Territory to Great Britain. In order to prevent bloodshed France tried to keep settlers out of the Indian hunting lands which is found west of the Appalachian Mountains. Great Britain took control of the region, yet the King George III did not want to fight another war in North America hence he forbid colonial settlement on the western lands. This proclamation angered many colonist especially along the western frontier who wanted to use the Indian land for their own purposes, they believed that a king who rules from far across the ocean could not possible understand the colonist need and had no right to limit where they settled. Thatââ¬â¢s how the troubles in the colonies began, with many more to come. Up until 1764 Britain did not interfere much with how the colonies were ran. The government had maintain aShow MoreRelatedThe American Revolution : The United States1517 Words à |à 7 PagesIvette Hernandez December 5, 2015 History 8A The American Revolution The United States of America has gone through a series of unimaginable events and drastic occurrences to become the powerful nation it is today. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Copyright vs. the Right to Copy Essay - 2188 Words
Copyright vs. the Right to Copy Todays digital technology and the computer have changed how the average consumer can acquire information and entertainment. No longer do we have to wait for the CD to hear a new song, or the release date to watch a movie. The technology is available on our home computers. But is this an infringement on copyright? What about the rights of artists, authors, producers, or actors? Has our technology progressed so far that it infringes on these peoples livings? It is only a matter of time before laws are passed regarding Internet use. Are we ready to give up the freedom we have had up to this point? In her essay The Digital Rights War, Pamela Samuelson states that The new future of technically protectedâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The Mp3 player is digital and will hold a certain number of songs on a chip inside it. When the chip is full you can buy a new one or record over the old one. Sony just came out with a product called The Memory Stick this year. They plan to use it with their MP3 players as well as digital cameras, and other products in the future. It is a memory chip that is compatible between the products, so you only need one format of memory if you use their products. The CD Rom and CD Rom-rewritable are also popular products. These hook up to your computer and allow you to copy files or anything you want off your computer. According to Pamela Samuelson the possibility exists that all this could soon change. In her essay, she refers to a white paper that was issued by the Clinton administration in 1995. I did some further research on this white paper and found a summary on line. It is actually a report on Intellectual Property rights written by the Information Infrastructure Task Force. Basically there is a committee appointed by the White House that is looking into fairly regulating the balance between artists rights and the consumer. 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A Study on Interpersonal Relationships - 798 Words
Introduction The aim of the present research is to provide a link between the impact of significant others on self and how they affect interpersonal behavior even when they are below conscious awareness. In the study of Baldwin, Carrell and Lopez (1990), they argued that the way people experience self is highly dependent other people. People engage in many thoughts about othersââ¬â¢ perception of themselves. Accordingly, how one evaluates himself or herself depends on how his or her significant other is probably evaluating them. In the study, they investigated subconscious priming of disapproval by significant others, and showed the effects on participantsââ¬â¢ evaluations regarding self-related aspects, they found a consistency of facial expression and participantsââ¬â¢ judgment when significant other (compared to unfamiliar other) is primed. The idea of relational self is therefore developed (Andersen Chen 2002; Andersen Saribay, 2005; Andersen Thorpe 2009). In those studies, according to the relational self hypothesis, the experienced self concept and activated evaluations are impacted by the significant other who is part of the specific relational self. Therefore when a significant other is present, or when he or she is reminded via transference, personal characteristics that come to mind and become active will more likely to be in similar valence with that significant other. It is also found that what kind of a self (either dreaded or desired) will be experienced might alsoShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Interpersonal Trust And The Success Of Relationships Essay1574 Words à |à 7 PagesOnly a limited amount of knowledge about the creation of interpersonal trust and emotive feelings is available due to the lack of research studies that have emphasized the correlational relationship. 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Discourse Communities Essay Example For Students
Discourse Communities Essay To be a part of a discourse community, one must be credible, possess factual knowledge and draw on the values of its members to be accepted into the community. At the same time, a person must learn typical ways people in that community communicate and argue. They share a certain genreââ¬âtype of writing. Members of discourse communities provide information and feedback that are imperative in order for that discourse community to grow. In the following paper, I will discuss three discourse communities and a genre that they typically use: people who read Nutritional Facts religiously, college students, and industrial organizational psychologists. To begin with, the first discourse community that I will discuss is people who â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦ Many Nutritional experts know that what is written on the cover of the box is what the manufacturer wants you to read: ââ¬ËLow Caloriesââ¬â¢ or ââ¬ËNo Sugarââ¬â¢ or ââ¬ËFat-Freeââ¬â¢ or ââ¬ËDietââ¬â¢. All printed in big, bold, colorful lettering. Most of the time the product claims may be exaggerated, misleading and distracting and they only tell half the story. In reality, labels are a part of marketing strategy planned for attracting, promoting and motivating the consumer to buy. The back of the packaging can conflict the health claim made on the front of it. So the ââ¬ËLow Fatââ¬â¢ claim on the front does not necessarily mean low fat; it could just mean a bit less fat than the version that does not make such a claim. Many people in this discourse community know that reading the ingredients are just as important as reading the label. Evidently, the people who are a part of the Nutritional community are focused on living a healthy and lasting life. For example, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber, and low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease (Food). Whether they would like to gain, lose, or maintain their weight they refer to this label which is ultimately the deciding factor as to whether or not they will purchase/use the product. Moving forward, the pressure of being a student in college is a challenge that turns out to be rewarding and most definitely shaping. Full time university students are .
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Why Should We Respect Teachers free essay sample
We should respect our teachers because if we donââ¬â¢t respect people, that are more complex and more experienced than us it will reflect on us earlier down in our lives. Although sometimes our teachers may make a fool of us and humiliate us and sometimes embarrass us in the cruelest ways we should not retaliate in a bad way. If we know all the rules in the school we should report it to the principal or someone that is a part of the school and is able to tell the teacher that he/she is doing something very, very, very, very, very wrong. But if we are the ones doing something wrong then we should not retaliate at all because we are the ones who did something wrong. Another thing that we should always do is stand up when a teacher walks into the classroom. By doing this we are showing the teacher respect. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Should We Respect Teachers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another way of showing respect is to not talk when a teacher is talking at the very same time in this way we are showing the teacher that we respect them very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very much indeed. Reason being when we are talking something that is pertaining to what the teacher is talking about he/she will stop talking so we can have our say, by doing so he/she is showing us respect as a teacher. Another thing is that when we want to go outside we should always ask permission from the teacher before we get up and bolt outside. Instead we should always ask the teacher if you can please go to the bathroom. Sometimes some of the teachers may not let you go outside because of their incompetence and strict behavior. When they do that we should resolute to what I said some minutes ago ,â⬠we should report to the nearest teacher that will be able to say yes that teacher is wrong or say no you are wrong . but most of the time they say we are wrong even when they know that we are right
Saturday, April 11, 2020
How to Choose the Best Teacher Essay Sample For Your Writing Project
How to Choose the Best Teacher Essay Sample For Your Writing ProjectMany students want to have a teacher essay sample that they can refer to when writing their own, but find that this is much harder than you might expect. In fact, the whole process can be frustrating and intimidating. But there are ways to avoid these pitfalls.The first thing to do is to decide whether you want to use a textbook or a resource book. If you choose a textbook, keep in mind that you can always go online and do a search. Many of these books will provide you with teaching samples that have been done in class before. This can be helpful in identifying the key skills you need to write your essay.The second step to choose an essay topic is to use your research and knowledge of the topic to come up with several topics to use. Then, list them out in the order that you think you need to cover in your essay. List down what information you need to cover, and then use those skills to build your essay.After you have decided on a few topics, take the time to read some teaching samples that are available. The best ones usually have one central idea in common. These teaching samples can provide you with some key points that you can use throughout your entire essay.Another way to ensure that you get an effective teacher essay sample is to see if you can turn your student's essay into a teaching lesson for his class. As an alternative, you may want to discuss with him the points you want to discuss. This may give you ideas that you can incorporate into your essay.If you feel that you have enough material to write an effective essay, then try doing it as a real teacher would. Go through your own notes and pick up anything that you thought you could expand on. You can also talk to your professor about how your essay could be used to teach your students.Essay writing can be fun. But if you want to make sure that you get the most from it, you must take steps to prepare well. By doing this, you can actu ally learn how to write effective teacher essays, not just another essay.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Religious Social Education Coursework Christianity Essay Example
Religious Social Education Coursework Christianity Essay I visited Socketts Heath Baptist Church in Grays; it was originally Clarence Road Baptist Church in 1893. Then in 1933, the church was moved to its present location on Premier Avenue.The main parts of the interior of a church are:Pews: the pews in the church are used to seat the Christians who attend Church. Near the back of main assembly hall are some chairs just in case extra seating space is required. Before the 15th Century the sick and the old were the only people allowed to sit down on the Pews, whilst all the other people would have had to stand. In the 17th century pews were boxed in, and furnished with padded seats and hat pegs. The church I am studying has pews.The Cross-: Directly above the Communion Table is a cross. The symbol of a cross is symbolic of the cross that Jesus was nailed to.The Communion Table: The communion table is a major article within the church. Bread, wine and the Bible are the main objects, which are placed on the communion table. The communion table is placed at the front of the church so the entire congress can see it. The vicar also performs services there. However, at certain times of the year such as Christmas, the people walk down the aisle to the Alter where they receive the bread and wine from the Vicar. A table is used because in Luke chapter 22 verse 14 it states, when the time came, Jesus took His place at the table.Communion is often called The Breaking Of The Bread or The Lords Supper. The reason it is known as either these two because Jesus performed these actions before he died.In Luke chapter 22 verses 17-20 describe how Jesus first gave communion with his disciples, Then Jesus took some bread, gave thanks, broke it and gave it to the apostles saying This is my body, which I am giving for you do this to remember me. In the same way, after supper, Jesus took the cup and said, This cup is the new agreement that God makes with his people. This new agreement begins with my blood, which is poured out for youPulpit: B eginning in about the 9th century two desks called ambos were provided in Christian churches one for reading from the Gospels and the other for reading from the letters. The former, which became increasingly ornate, was the forerunner of the Pulpit. By the 13th century what could be called modern pulpits were being installed in Italian churches. The alter is traditionally at the east end of the Church. Often it is erected against a pillar and sometimes upon a short, freestanding base or slender column. Usually hexagonal or octagonal in form, it is serving as a decorative sounding board. English pulpits often gave two or three stories, with the lowest for a clerk, the middle one for a reading desk, and the third for the preaching of the sermon. There are also external, outdoor pulpits that are entered from within the church.Baptistery Pool: A Baptistery pool is only found inside Baptist churches only. It is believed that baptism was the door to the church. People are only baptised w hen they feel that they are ready to commit themselves to Christ. This is can be at any age, but sometimes the parents of a child will have their children baptised when they are young, the problem with this is that the child does not understand what is happening to them. At Grays Baptist Tabernacle there is a large baptistery pool, which is hidden. The Baptist pool is at the front of congregation so everyone can see the person being baptised. Jesus told his disciples in Matthew chapter 28 verse 19 So go and make followers of all the people in the world. Baptise them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.Lectern: The Lectern is a reading desk to hold the Bible open. It is normally made out of wood or brass. Occasionally the Lectern is shaped like an eagle because this is a reminder to the people of Isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 in the Old Testament who said that those who hope in the Lord will soar like an eagle. In high-church services the priest gives the gospel re ading in each service from the middle of the congregation but the other readings are given from the Lectern. At Grays Baptist Tabernacle the Lectern is found at the front of the congregation in front of the Communion table.The Bible: The Bible is a collection of Holy Scriptures, which members of that faith accept as authoritative. The Bible is often referred to as the Canon of scriptures. At Grays Baptist Tabernacle the Bible is always left open on the lectern.Stain Glass Windows: Stain glass windows are often found in historical and modern churches. Stained glass windows originally told Biblical stories; nowadays they are mainly pictures of Jesus, May, Saints and any other important Christian figures.Section BAll these features in the church help with worship in one form or another. I need to find out how they assist belief to do that I will write about every item listed in section A, plus I will ask 3 people to answer a questionnaire that I have created.The Cross-: The cross is th e main symbol for Christianity. A cross, in some shape or form, is likely to be found in a vast majority of church. The crucifix is a cross, which carries the figure of a dying Jesus. This symbolises the sufferings of Jesus by which Christians believe they are forgiven. Towards the end of Holy Week, the crucifixes is empty to indicate the Christian belief that Jesus is no longer on the cross but risen from the dead. In the church, the cross is used for people to concentrate on the death of Jesus. At Grays Baptist Tabernacle the cross is empty all year round to show that Jesus is alive.Communion Table: The communion table is where the bread and wine are placed for Communion. The table is laid to remind the church of the Last Supper as Jesus commanded his disciples. In some Christian churches, Holy Communion, or the Eucharist is the most important act of worship in which they take part. Holy Communion means Holy Sharing and refers to the service in which Christians share bread and win e with each other, and with God. As they do so they also share spiritually in the death of Jesus on the cross. Matthew chapter 26 verses 26-28 these words form the basis of Holy Communion today.Chalice: The Chalice is used during communion. After the priest blesses it, he hands them the chalice containing the wine. He says, The blood of Christ. The person replies each time Amen. The bread and wine are no more than just symbols and they remain so throughout the service unlike the High Church or the Catholic point of view.Baptistery Pool: The baptistery pool is used for adult and infant baptism. Parents who bring their child for a baptism believe that this ceremony marks the spiritual rebirth of their child as others renounce evil and repent on its behalf. Adult baptisms are mainly the same as child baptisms except the person chooses that he/she agree to the ways and the beliefs of Christ.Lectern: the lectern gives a special and respectful place for the Bible in the church, which eve ry member is familiar with. The lectern is used during the readings of passages from the Bible. It is shaped so that the Bible will not drop when reading; it is likely to cause a distraction during the service if the Bible is dropped. The Bible can be opened at the appropriate page and left on the lectern before the meeting so there is no time loss in finding the verses.The Bible: The Bible is the Holy Scripture, which is written to help the congregation understand the word of God. The Bible is very valuable to Christians, since it carries instructions given by the Lord. The Bible contains Gods authority on all aspects of belief and behaviour. In 2 Timothy chapter 3 verses 16-17 say All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teachings the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instructions for right living so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed.Most church denominations believe that it is important to use quotes from the Bible when speaking to the people. Passages from the Bible are read in almost all Christian services as well as being used in sermons. Lay-people as well as the clergy can give these. During some services and sermons the priest takes one of the Bible passages which has been read earlier in the service and explains both its meaning and its teaching for Christian life today.Members of the congregation usually read the readings from the Old Testament. The reading from the Gospels, however, is usually read by the vicar to show its importance. The reason why the Gospels are treated differently is that they contain the only record of the birth, life, teaching, death and resurrection of Jesus. They are the foundation of the Christian faith. It is thought the other readings do not carry the authority or the importance, which is, attached to readings from the Gospel.Conclusion: In section B, I have tried to show how all the furnishings and fittings are used in Church lif e and how they relate to different Church festivals e.g. Christmas and Easter.Section 3In this part of my project I am going to be discussing whether I think that for a Christian, worship at home more important than worship at church?In todays world, when someone is speaking about church, most people think of it as a building. However church is not just a building but it is the congregation as well.In the New Testament, Acts 2 verse 41-47 it talks about the group of believers that became the new church. This shows that the most important part of the church is the people. In Greek Church means a gathering of people. Therefore, it does not really matter there you are or when you worship God. Some people believe that it is possible to worship God within your own home, in just the same way as you would in a Church, but the Bible says it is important to meet together. In the Old testament God told his people to remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. In the New Testament, the church was t old not to give up the habit of meeting together. However, Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11 verse 17 that the meetings for worship actually do more harm than good. This is because some were being greedy and getting drunk.For a Christian, worship includes singing, prayer, preaching and Holy Communion. When you are taking communion, the priest or vicar blesses the bread and the wine and then gives it for you to consume. If you are worshiping at home you cannot do this but this does not stop you thinking about the Lord and Jesus. In spite of this some Christians do not believe you have to have a special person to bless the bread and the wine and therefore, they will take it at home with others.Additionally in a church you have more furnishings and features to help assist you worshipping God. For example, you might have an organ or other instruments to aid you whilst you are singing. I believe that it helps and encourages the congregation when there are a lot of people singing. It is also a good place for new songs to be easily introduced and so it keeps people interestedWhen people are worshipping in churches they are sometimes filled with the Holy Spirit or this is also known as the baptism of the Spirit. One of the gifts is to speak in a language known as tongues. Another is the power to heal the sick.Some people may prefer to worship in the comfort of their own home. This might be because they feel more comfortable. Today, most people have a television and so they can watch religious programmes designed to help them worship. If they were at Church they might also be embarrassed about singing and worshipping in front of everyone, but if they were at home alone they probably would not get so embarrassed. But in Psalm 149 it says sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the saints. Which says that you should praise God with other people and in Psalm 150 it says Praise God in his sanctuary which also means praise God in church.In a church, you usual ly get someone who preaches and tries to teach you about Christian life. At home, there is not a preacher and so you do not learn about as much about God and Christian way of loge as you do when you go to church. However, you could get books and tapes from the local Christian bookshop or over the Internet that would help you study the Bible.In conclusion, I think that you can worship in your own home but worshipping in a Church is more effective because you are around other Christians and you can talk to them about subjects, which help you worship God. I believe it is better to worship in church because you can talk about how you feel; an example of this is when someone feels upset and unhappy. They might have suffered a death in the family, enjoyed and perhaps receive prayer or help.
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